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The Permanent Collection

Fort Worth's Kimbell is a Texas jewel, its permanent collection comprising some 300+ major works of art "distinguished by an extraordinary level of artistic quality and importance."  The Kimbell's 1972 building was designed by Louis I. Kahn. The Renzo Piano Pavilion, added within the past decade, stands some 65 yards to the west of the Kahn. 



Queen Nefertari's Egypt

This exciting exhibition, celebrating the wives of the pharaohs,  features treasures from the New Kingdom 1550 - 1070 BC.

December 6, 2020 - March 14, 2021

Flores Mexicanas: Women in Modern Mexican Art

Inspired by the loan of the monumental Flores Mexicanas by Alfredo Ramos Martinez, this exhibition surveys the changing representations of women in paintings, textiles, and other art media by a variety of notable Mexican artists. Along with a focus on the career of artist Martinez, almost 40 other works by modern Mexican artists will be included in this exhibition.

February 16  - September 20

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Alonso Berruguete: First Sculptor of Renaissance Spain

Berruguete is a sculptor whose art, though grounded in his native Spain, was influenced by his time in Italy during the Renaissance. This first major U.S. exhibition of his work features 24 of his sculptures, along with a few of his drawings and paintings. 

March 29 - July 26

Let DART take you there from Lucille's.

Barry X. Ball: Remaking Sculpture
Two series of sculptures (Portraits and Masterpieces] created out of delicate and semi-precious stones using the best of 3D technology and milling machinery. Ball reimagines classical as well as more modern busts and art works in his astoundingly inventive oeuvre.

through January 3, 2021

Let DART take you there from Lucille's.
Mark Bradford: End Papers
The works in this exhibition are constructed primarily from end papers, which Bradford learned to use as a hairdresser in his mother's beauty salon in South Los Angeles. Part painting and part collage, Bradford's works relate to his biography and his neighborhood and eventually incorporated the use of posters, broadsides, and even billboards. There are 35 major end paper works in this exhibition at Fort Worth's MOMA.
March 8 - January 10, 2021

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